lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

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MEDC vs. LEDC (food supply and distribution)

MEDC and LEDC have very different characteristics regarding food production and distribution, like the following: 

Talking more about numbers: 

  • In MEDCs the average caloric content per capita per day of food is 3314 calories. In the USA specifically, this number is 3774 calories.
  • In LEDCs the average caloric content per capita per day of food is 2666 calories. In Eritrea this number is 1512 calories

The factors that should be considered about food are:

  • Distribution
  • Politics

Food supply has kept pace with human population growth (MALTHUS DEAD)… however recently some are doubting this can continue (MALTHUS LIVE AGAIN!)
Adapt the global NPP increasing it to human needs, use and degrade more land, eat more meat, contaminate more waters, … WE’RE GETTING TO PLANET’S K
1.1 billion people living in povertyincreasing and growing hungrier.
Annual grain tields per hectare have slowed their rate of increase since the Green Revolution

The America Association for the Advancement of Science suggests that there is an average of 2790 calories available eqch day for every human on the planet. That is enough to feed everyone.

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